
POSTER SESSION (Monday, July 6th)


For each group, BigBlueButton rooms are named as VaQuM2020-session01, VaQuM2020-session02, VaQuM2020-session03, VaQuM2020-session04...

First group (14:30 - 15:10)

  1. L Fernandes: Correlations in quenched spinor condensates
  2. I. Frérot: Probing many-body entanglement via inverse statistical methods
  3. T. Guaita: A Geometric Perspective on Variational Methods in Quantum Mechanics
  4. D. Huybrechts: Dynamical hysteresis properties of the driven-dissipative Bose-Hubbard model with a Gutzwiller Monte Carlo approach
  5. B. Requena: Restricted Boltzmann machines as variational wave functions
  6. J. Sanchez Baena: Supersolid stripes enhanced by correlations in a Raman spin-orbit coupled system
  7. D. Wlodzynski: Inter-component correlations in few-fermion systems induced by a shape of an external confinement
  8. Y. Yang: Probing Thermalization Through Spectral Analysis with Matrix Product Operators
  9. R. Menu: Gaussian variational Ansätze for many-body quantum dynamics
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